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How to create Timelapse in Premiere Pro-The Best Way to Create Great Timelapse

Timelapse in Premiere Pro with Images or Videos-The Best Way to Create Timelapse

In this video, you will learn the professional way to create amazing time-lapse in premiere pro. Basically, there are two ways to create the timelapse, One is with the images and the second one is with the videos.

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And not to forget there is one more Third way also and that is using the timelapse feature in modern DSLR or Mirrorless Cameras and Mobile phones. But for those who don’t have timelapse feature build in their cameras, they can either shoot multiple still images taken over some time intervals and combine them into a timelapse in Premiere pro.

Or they can shoot a longer video and speed that up in Premiere pro. You will also learn how to add a cool motion effect and colour grade the timelapse.

Watch the video to learn how to edit or create timelapse in Premiere Pro.



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