How to Install Lightroom Presets-For Beginners
If you have never used the Lightroom Presets then you probably don't know how to install them either.
So, in this Tutorial, I will show you how to install the Lightroom Presets.

Installing the Presets is actually is a very easy task.
So, Follow the below steps to successfully install the Lightroom Presets.
Step No.-1
Go the Develop Module in Adobe Lightroom from Top Left Panel.

Step No.-2
Go to the Presets Panel in the Mid Right area in the Adobe Lightroom and click the ‘+' Icon.

Step No. 3
Click on the ‘Import Presets'

Step No. 4
Browse or Locate the Lightroom Presets Package or files located on your Pc and Click Import.

Lightroom Presets File would be ‘.XMP' File Extension for Latest versions of Adobe Lightroom whereas for the older version it would be ‘.lrtemplate' Files.
Now you have successfully installed the Lightroom Presets.
Check the Presets Panel, it should have all the Presets you have just imported.

Thanks, I hope it helps you.
If you have any question please feel free to comment below.
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