One thing which is foremost important to me in life and I believe should be for everyone, is the ‘CREDIBILITY’. Have you ever experienced that whenever somebody promised to do something for you or for someone else and you had a sudden INTRUSION of thought that he is never going to keep it or it just came out from your mouth that ‘Leave it’? I am sure you must have at some point in life. Some people who are very easily traceable around us carry a dilapidated ‘CREDIBILITY’ and whatever they say or promise we have Everest of faith he is not serious. Have you ever gave it a considerable thought that why some persons reflect that kind of credibility? Have you ever analysed your CREDIBILITY? Sometimes we inadvertently keep on hammering our CREDIBILITY and by the time we realise that we feel that world has come to an end. So, what are the things which should be kept in mind in order to avoid carrying a DILAPIDATED CREDIBILITY? Here are few:
Why it is necessary to keep promises made to yourself first and then to others? Because as you must have heard, ‘CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME’. Once you start keeping small promises made to yourself then you would start seeing your image in your own eyes as credible person at least for yourself and this habit of keeping small promises would eventually lead you to the keeping Bigger promises. And it has been found in studies that if a person is not able to keep promises made to himself it is very rare that he would keep the promises made to others. So next time you say that tomorrow you would go out for a morning walk or you would not have a smoke of cigarette at least for one or two hours then keep it because it would eventually be counted for building your credibility not only for yourself but for the world.
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Before you make any promises to anybody give it a considerable thought an analysis whether you would be able to keep that promise or it is next to impossible for you to keep. So, if answer to this is ‘NO’ or ‘MAY BE’, then it’s better to say ‘NO’ rather than saying ‘YES’ just to please that person. And once you made the promise then put your every bit to keep that promise because that one promise, sometimes leaves the Life time impression that of a ‘ROCK-SOLID CREDIBLE’ or ‘DILAPIDATED CREDIBILITY’ person.
So, sometimes everyone is in a situation which is out of control or may be possibly to the other reason that you are not in a position to keep your PROMISE, then explain to that person genuinely and apologise. That way your image of a credible person would remain intact, even if you did not keep up to the promises. But be cautious of giving false and made up excuses because that way it would kick you back in the darkness of UNTRUSTWORTHY person. So, next time you promise somebody that you would meet him at such and such time, and you may even be little late or may not be able to make it, then send them a ‘TEXT’. But I have seen many people saying this to the other person who is waiting for them, that they are just coming, or they are in traffic and it will take just 5 or 10 minutes, despite the fact that they know that it would not take less than one hour or two. Some people I have seen they cite an excuse a day or two later, and sometimes it is genuine also. But it is very surprising that by doing all this they feel they are very smart but they don’t realise that they are eventually losing out their ‘CREDIBILITY’.
Because every relation, every deal, every engagement, every agreement, every tie-up, every product, every purchase, every brand, every society starts and grow with the CREDIBILITY. If this society would be full of questionable or dilapidated CREDITABILITY, then it would be anarchy and it would eventually crumble down. When we purchase any product we believe that it would be credible enough to deliver what it says. Just think of a product or service of which you had a bitter past experience or somebody told you it is not good enough, it is very rare that you would still go ahead and buy that product or service. Now, think for a moment that a person who once fooled you by citing false excuses of arriving in 5 or 10 minutes, whereas he came by 2-4 hours late while you were desperately waiting, would you start a business venture with that person. If I would have been at your position then my answer would be a Big NO, and if I want to give that person a second chance, it is very hard for me to forget what he did and convince myself that even in this venture he would not repeat the same. So, this very little experience can have a such a bigger impact on future dealings with a person then imagine the kind of harm, a series of similar breakups of small promises can cause. Thus, start building your credibility from the very beginning and always carry a sparkling and spotless ‘CREDIBILITY’ with you and become a successful person in life. Please leave your points of view and anything which I have missed and if you like it kindly consider sharing it. You can Watch Video of This here:-