Photoshop vs Lightroom
In this Post, I am comparing Photoshop and Lightroom.
Many people who are just starting out are often confused between Photoshop vs Lightroom and they just cannot decide what is the actual difference between them.
These are the Top Photo-Editing or Photo-processing software ruling the market. Both Photoshop and the Lightroom are very useful and features loaded software.
Almost all Professional photographers use both of these either solely or in combination with each other.
Lightroom is basically a Raw Image Processing Software which can help you quickly process Develop the Raw images.
Whereas the Photoshop is an advanced Image Editor where you cannot only do the Raw Image Processing using the Adobe Camera Raw Filter or Plugin but you can do the Advanced Editing stuffs as well.
Photoshop or Lightroom?
Lightroom is lightning fast for processing a batch of multiple images in a few seconds.
Lightroom helps you organize your images properly with advanced options like tagging, filtering, flagging, labeling, adding metadata or keywords etc.
Professionally Photographers mainly use Adobe Lightroom to select Shots from a shoot and deciding which one to edit and which one to discard or delete.
However, the same is not possible with Adobe Photoshop as easily as in the Lightroom.
Lightroom interface is very good as with Grid layout you can easily organize images or make selections.
You can also organize your images in Lightroom using various Collections or Smart Collections etc.
Adobe Lightroom empowers you to make the Editing on one image and then apply the same Adjustments to the Rest of the images with just one click.
That saves you a lot more time.
Lightroom Master Class- Edit Images Like a Pro + Free Lightroom Presets Pack
Master Adobe Lightroom for Professional Image Retouching
Photoshop and Lightroom Synced Workflow
You can also export images to Adobe Photoshop and do the Advanced Editing there and then come back to the Lightroom using the Sync Workflow.
However, the Editing in the Adobe Lightroom is limited to only basic Editing or fixing some common issues like Exposure, Contrast, details, highlights, shadows, White balance, tint, HSL adjustments etc.
But if you want to replace the background or make the advance Photo Manipulation of the Advanced Photo Composites etc then you need to use the Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop is such a Powerhouse where you can not only do the basic Editing like in Adobe Lightroom but you can also do the Advanced Editing or Designing.
If you want to do graphic design or poster design or Flyer etc then you can do that only in Adobe Photoshop through Adobe has some dedicated Software also like illustrator and In-Design but all these tasks can be done in Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop helps you to create Videos, Gifs, Website Designs, Graphic Designs, Basic to Advanced Images Editing, Animation, Logo Design etc.
Which one to Learn First Photoshop vs Lightroom?
But if you are just starting out then you should try to learn Adobe Lightroom first and then switch to the Adobe Photoshop.
Though you can also learn both the Lightroom and Photoshop at the same time this might take some extra efforts to learn the Lightroom and the Photoshop at the same time.
Lightroom Master Class- Edit Images Like a Pro + Free Lightroom Presets Pack
Master Adobe Lightroom for Professional Image Retouching
If you buy the Adobe Photography Plan then it gives you the Access to both the Software.
Adobe Photography Plan cost around 10$ per month.
You can get Adobe Photography Plan by Clicking here.

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